dESiGN é a vida cruzada pelo tempo e o espaço.
dESiGN is life crossed by time and space.

15 março, 2007

"Design is art that people use”. (pp. 1)
“Design is an instrument for packaging ideas and making them public. People who have access to design tools can make tangible their own knowledge and concepts. This active mode of literacy folds back into the ability to read and understand what’s out there in the world. […] The ability to publish is one of the key privileges of the free society”. (pp. 15)
If you learn to think like a designer, you will be able to clarify your ideas and pull together the materials, service, and software you need to make your concepts real. (pp. 17)

LUPTON, Ellen, et al — “D.I.Y. – Design it Yourself”. Nova Iorque : Princeton Architectural Press, 2006. ISBN 1-56898-552-5