dESiGN é a vida cruzada pelo tempo e o espaço.
dESiGN is life crossed by time and space.

29 setembro, 2005

“The highest purpose of a brochure’s cover is to get the brochure opened.
Unfortunately, the front cover of most brochures has a company logo, and some vacuous statement.
(…) Which essentially says, ‘I’m boring inside, you don’t have to pay attention. You certainly don’t have to read me.’
(…) The first job of the message of the brochure is to answer the question ‘I’m the reader. Why should I care?” (pp. 172).

BINELL, Rick, BIELENBERG, John. “How to Build a Grenade”. Communication Arts — Illustration Annual 44. Palo Alto, California : Coyne & Blanchard, Inc. ISBN 0010-3519. 321 (July 2003). p. 170 - 172.