dESiGN é a vida cruzada pelo tempo e o espaço.
dESiGN is life crossed by time and space.

29 setembro, 2006

"'Our thesis is that any one visual problem has an infinite number of solutions; that many are valid; that solutions ought to derive from subject matter; that the designer should have no preconceived graphic style.'"
"'Every job has to have an idea.'"
"'I do quite large, complex corporate identity jobs. I enjoy that, but I also enjoy sitting round doing my own little things, which are invariably the ones that don't pay.'"
"'I treat clients as raw material to do what I want to do, though I would never tell them that."

BEIRUT, Michael — DESIGN OBSERVER. Alan Fletcher: Living by Design. 2006 [Consult. 29 Setembro 2006] . Disponível em www : URL : http://www.designobserver.com/archives/018011.html#more